Emplacement : smb://VLAD-SERVEUR/VIDEO/Star Wars - The Clone Wars/Genre : Action / Adventure / Animation / Drama / Fantasy / Science Fiction
Année de production : 2008
Saison(s) : 7
Note : 8/10
Information thetvdb : 83268
La galaxie est en proie à la Guerre des Clones qui oppose les maléfiques Séparatistes et leurs immenses armées d'androïdes à la République. Les Chevaliers Jedi, protecteurs de la République, luttent pour maintenir l'ordre et restaurer la paix tandis que de nouvelles planètes succombent chaque jour aux puissances du mal. Pour prendre l'avantage, le Chevalier Jedi Anakin Skywalker et sa jeune apprentie Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, sont chargés d'une mission capitale qui va les confronter au redoutable "parrain" de Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt. Ces aventures se déroulent durant la Guerre des Clones, entre les événéments de Star wars : épisode II - L'Attaque des clones et Star wars : épisode III - La Revanche des Sith.Saison1 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 101 - Ambush (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 102 - Rising Malevolence (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 103 - Shadow of Malevolence (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 104 - Destroy Malevolence (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 105 - Rookies (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 106 - Downfall of a Droid (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 107 - Duel of the Droids (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 108 - Bombad Jedi (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 109 - Cloak of Darkness (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 110 - Lair of Grievous (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 111 - Dooku Captured (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 112 - The Gungan General (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 113 - Jedi Crash (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 114 - Defenders of Peace (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 115 - Trespass (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 116 - The Hidden Enemy (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 117 - Blue Shadow Virus (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 118 - Mystery of a Thousand Moons (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 119 - Storm Over Ryloth (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 120 - Innocents of Ryloth (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 121 - Liberty on Ryloth (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 122 - Hostage Crisis (VOST).avi | ||
Saison2 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 201 - 202 - Holocron Heist (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 201 - 202 - Holocron Heist (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 203 - Children of the Force (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 204 - Senate Spy (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 205 - Landing at Point Rain (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 206 - Weapons Factory (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 207 - Legacy of Terror (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 208 - Brain Invaders (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 209 - Grievous Intrigue (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 211 - Lightsaber Lost (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 212 - The Mandalore Plot (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 213 - Voyage of Temptation (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 214 - Duchess of Mandalore (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 215 - Senate Murders (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 216 - Cat and Mouse (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 217 - Bounty Hunters (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 218 - Zillo Beast (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 219 - The Zillo Beast Strikes Back (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 220 - Death Trap (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 221 - 222 - R2 Come Home (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 221 - 222 - R2 Come Home (VOST).avi | ||
Saison3 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 301 - 302 - Clone Cadets (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 301 - 302 - Clone Cadets (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 303 - Supply Lines (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 304 - Sphere of Influence (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 305 - Corruption (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 306 - The Academy (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 307 - Assassin (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 308 - Evil Plans (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 309 - Hunt For Ziro (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 310 - Heroes On Both Sides (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 311 - Pursuit Of Peace (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 312 - Nightsisters (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 313 - Monster (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 314 - Witches of the Mist (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 315 - Overlords (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 316 - Altar of Mortis (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 317 - Ghosts of Mortis (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 318 - The Citadel (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 319 - Counter Attack (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 320 - Citadel Rescue (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 321 - Padawan Lost (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 322 - Wookiee Hunt (VOST).avi | ||
Saison4 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 401 - 402 - Water War & Gungan Attack (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 401 - 402 - Water War & Gungan Attack (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 403 - Prisoners (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 404 - Shadow Warrior (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 405 - Mercy Mission (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 406 - Nomad Droids (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 407 - Darkness on Umbara (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 408 - The General (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 409 - Plan of Dissent (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 410 - Carnage of Krell (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 411 - Kidnapped (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 412 - Slaves of the Republic (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 413 - Escape from Kadavo (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 414 - A Friend in Need (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 415 - Deception (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 416 - Friends and Enemies (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 417 - The Box (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 418 - Crisis on Naboo (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 419 - Massacre (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 420 - Bounty (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 421 - Brothers (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 422 - Revenge (VOST).avi | ||
Saison5 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 501 - Revival (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 502 - A War on Two Fronts (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 503 - Front Runners (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 504 - The Soft War (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 505 - Tipping Points (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 506 - The Gathering (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 507 - A Test of Strength (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 508 - Bound for Rescue (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 509 - A Necessary Bond (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 510 - Secret Weapons (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 511 - A Sunny Day in the Void (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 512 - 100th Episode - Missing in Action (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 513 - Point of No Return (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 514 - Eminence (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 515 - Shades of Reason (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 516 - The Lawless (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 517 - Sabotage (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 518 - The Jedi who knew too much (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 519 - To Catch a Jedi (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 520 - The Wrong Jedi (VOST).avi | ||
Saison6 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 601 - Condition Unknown (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 602 - Conspiracy (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 603 - Fugitive (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 604 - Orders (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 605 - An Old Friend (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 606 - The Rise Of Clovis (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 607 - Crisis At The Heart (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 608 - The Disappeared (Part 1) (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 609 - The Disappeared (Part 2) (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 610 - The Lost One (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 611 - Voices (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 612 - Destiny (VOST).mp4 | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 613 - Sacrifice (VOST).mp4 | ||
Saison7 |
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 701 - Le Bad Batch (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 702 - Un écho distant (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 703 - Sur les ailes des Keeradaks (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 704 - Unfinished Business (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 705 - Gone With a Trace (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 706 - Une affaire douteuse (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 707 - Dangerous Debt (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 708 - Réunis à nouveau (VOST).avi | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 709 - Old Friends Not Forgotten (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 710 - L'apprentie fantôme (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 711 - Anéantie (VOST).mkv | ||
Star Wars - The Clone Wars - 712 - Victory and Death (4) (VOST).mkv |